The beginning

It started almost 7 years ago on Dec 21, 2009.  Upset after taking my kids and step-daughter to see the holiday lights and have hot chocolate alone, I confronted my husband as to why he had skipped out on this family tradition.  Sitting at the computer desk he looked at me and said “I hate you and I don’t want to be around you,  I’m just trying to get through the holidays and then we will figure out what’s next.”  Two weeks later I was siting in a therapist’s office throwing up into her waste paper basket after I just said the words, “We are not separating, we are getting a divorce.” I walked out of that appointment, did what I always did and called my friends crying with the news.  I went home and crawled into bed and mourned the loss of my childhood dream,  a happy family with rich traditions and family togetherness.  I wept for the firsts I would be absent for as a “part-time” parent.  I was afraid of what was ahead.  Who would love me? Would I remarry? Would I go broke?  Where would I live? I was broken hearted for the pain I was sure my children would endure and the weight of that guilt was crushing.  I had failed them as their mother.  I had failed at giving them a happy family.  As my son Jaxon tells it, “Mom cried for three days in her room.”  I think his little 4 year old self remembers that incorrectly, but that’s neither here nor there.  Except that I’m always right… In any case, there WAS a lot of crying.

Little did I know on that painful day what a turning point it would be for me.  7 years later I often say it was the absolute best decision of my life.  My journey as a single mother has not been without its ups and downs (sometimes a lot more downs than ups) but it has caused me to grow in ways I never thought possible.

I’ve  shared parts of my journey on Facebook over the years and various people have encouraged me to start a blog or write a book (did they miss that I am a single mom with no time?!?!) documenting the funny stories that I tell.  This blog will do that but will also share the not so funny moments of this journey, hard parts and all.  It will be a drama/comedy. Depending on the day.  Who am I kidding? Depending on the moment.

Since I’m up early, have the day off from both work and parenting AND got a good nights sleep (a trifecta that is very rare) I decided to create the blog.  I’ll call it a “Black Friday Miracle” because it sure beats waiting in long shopping lines.

I hope you enjoy!


Published by singlemamadramasite

Professional working women friend, daughter, and single mom of two blogging about the soap opera of my single mom experience. About finding hope and happiness, inspiration and insight, love and laughter amongst the craziness and chaos of life as a single mom.

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