On Parenting Faux Pas

So apparently the other day I committed a big faux pas according to my son.  We were at our local athletic club.  I entered the locker room at the same time as two young girls.   They were excitedly chattering about my son in their high pitch pre-teen voices.  “Did you see Jaxon? I almost ranContinue reading “On Parenting Faux Pas”

On What I Have Learned in 2016 (and what I’m looking forward to in 2017)

As another year comes to a close, its time to look back at 2016 and say hello to the start of 2017.  I’m not going to lie. 2016 was a rough year.  A lot of things happened in my world that changed me for always.  I was really looking forward to tomorrow and ushering outContinue reading “On What I Have Learned in 2016 (and what I’m looking forward to in 2017)”

On Christmas 

Well, it’s official. I’ve decided to cancel Christmas next year. To be clear I’m not canceling the holiday for everyone. Celebrate all you want, but I’m so done! When I was a little girl, we’d go skiing on Christmas vacation. I can still remember my brother flying down the ski hill yelling out “Merry Christmas.”Continue reading “On Christmas “

On Illness and Death

In September 2011, I was kind of just getting the hang of the single mom thing. My divorce was finally final.  I had switched back to my maiden name and joked I was the 2.0 version of my original self. Things were going well.  Woohoo!  Pain is behind me now I thought. Now I canContinue reading “On Illness and Death”

On Parenting Alone

Solo parenting my two boys has felt both fantastic and futile at times.  Sometimes it feels great to be the sole decision maker in the house, I mean I get to make ALL the rules and don’t have to compromise with anyone else. But that’s just the thing, there is no one else.  I’m itContinue reading “On Parenting Alone”

On Dating and moving on

I had many conflicting feelings about dating after my divorce.  They ranged from no way in hell would I ever date or get married again to feeling the intense need to get married again, have another baby and have the chance at a “happy” life. So I reluctantly entered the world of online dating.  ButContinue reading “On Dating and moving on”

On Rebuilding 

After the initial implosion, life was a flurry of decisions and rebuilding.   I moved out and moved on.  I wish I could say in linear fashion.  I spent the next year adjusting to the new normal of my life, and helping my kids adjust.  I took several steps forward and spent months looking inward.Continue reading “On Rebuilding “

On Mothering boys

When I was growing up, I couldn’t wait to be a mom.  But, I only  really wanted girls.  Girls that liked to play dress up and tea party and read and create. I was going to dress them in cute dresses and pigtails. Not exactly sure why since I’m not overly a girly girl.  TheyContinue reading “On Mothering boys”

The beginning

It started almost 7 years ago on Dec 21, 2009.  Upset after taking my kids and step-daughter to see the holiday lights and have hot chocolate alone, I confronted my husband as to why he had skipped out on this family tradition.  Sitting at the computer desk he looked at me and said “I hateContinue reading “The beginning”